
The Community has a Cheder class. We would encourage parents of prospective children to contact us.
We also run a junior cheder for primary age children before our Shabbat services. The start time is 10.15 am and the children will stay until approximately 10.45-11.ooam when they will join the main service.
Hebrew classes
The community holds regular Hebrew reading lessons for members using the National Jewish Outreach Program Hebrew Reading Crash Course.
Contact us to find out when the next course will start.
Conversion & affirmation programme (A2J)
Peterborough LJ Community, as Liberal Judaism nationally, welcomes sincere converts and those who have discovered they are Jewish and wish to affirm their Jewish identity. An initial first step would be to have an informal chat with our Membership Coordinator.
You can arrange this by contacting us.
LJ’s ‘Access to Judaism’ programme
Nationally, Liberal Judaism runs an ‘Access to Judaism’ programme which usually lasts about 15 months. You can find more information about that on their website: