‘a warm, inclusive, modern Jewish community’
The Peterborough Liberal Jewish Community is part of the Liberal Jewish family. In the UK there are 10,000 members, consisting of 40 Communities across the country, which in 2009 constituted 1.8 million members of the World Union of Progressive Judaism; comprising of the largest Jewish grouping outside Israel.
The Peterborough Liberal Jewish Community was formed in 1991. Our dream is to continue to grow over the generations to establish a vibrant inclusive Peterborough Synagogue expressing the progressive values of Liberal Judaism.
We hold one Shabbat service on every first Saturday of the month, with additional services for the main Festivals including Yom Kippur, as well as various social events.
What is Liberal Judaism?
Liberal Judaism is an authentic and modern form of Judaism, rooted in a deep and meaningful engagement with Jewish texts, values, culture and history. We are a movement with a sense of purpose, engaged in community life, study, spirituality and social action.
We believe in personal freedom and responsibility and the shared and collective bonds that unite us as Jewish people and members of humanity. We actively choose to live out our Judaism as part of a community, and welcome those who grew up as Jewish and those who, later in life, have become accepted into Judaism. We are inclusive and egalitarian, giving equal status within Judaism to those traditionally excluded.
We help all our members to embark on their personal Jewish journeys. We want Judaism to be a positive, joyous and active part of our members’ lives, and for them to use it to enrich their relationships with those around them.
You can find out more on the Liberal Judaism website.

PLJC gratefully acknowledges the support provided by the NLPS Trust for Progressive Judaism